Hecheng Bag Factory in Vietnam
Vietnamese bag factory avoids 25% tariff loss for you
Currently in our country there are hundreds of different bag manufacturer with large and small sizes, however, it is certain that not all of them are able to meet the requirements from the guests.
Why Manufacturers bags in Vietnam
How to find bag supplier in Vietnam
Why Choose Vietnam Bag Manufacturing As Backups
Because of these things, we dare to affirm to you that Hcbags not only have factory in China but also establish our bag factory in Vietnam! Named with VIETNAM HECHENG ENTERPRISE COMPANY LIMITED.
2019: Establishment of HECHENG ENTERPRISE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED, Locating in the Duc Hoa District, Long An Province,Vietnam.
Our Bag Vietnam manufacture is specialized in producing bags for variety of types and different consumption demand from domestic market to international market. Always uphold the quality of products, committed to giving our customers the suitable bags.
Until now, we are constantly improving our facilities, more professional in production as well as customer care services to reach the different trends and needs of businesses. in the industry. With the desire to not hesitate to make models that require high skills, we have been satisfied the most demanding customers from Japan, Korea, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, America, Canada, Singapore...
During the process of production and business, HCBAGS always towards the highest value for customers, so we are always careful in every stage of the production process. From its selection of raw materials, production hygiene, labor discipline to packaging and delivery, all must be taken seriously and professionally, hopefully, by the mind we will be closer and closer to our customers every day.
Owned skilled craftsmen, has a capacity of producing 40,000 pieces per month and 500,000 of units yearly. With increasing demand of bags from global market every year, we aim to enlarge bigger factory and bigger capacity in 2022.
If you want to find reliable backpack manufacturers in Vietnam, you can email us: inquiry@hcbags.com